好消息!12月2日,新西兰配偶开放工签重启! 4323

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The Government is making changes to provide open work rights to more partners of migrant workers, allowing them to work for any employer. This will help families stay together, and attract and retain the workers New Zealand needs to fill gaps in sectors facing skill and labour shortages.
From 2 December 2024, open work rights will be available to:
- all partners of Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) working in an Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) Level 1-3 role and earning at least NZD$25.29 an hour (80 percent of the standardmedian wage)
- partners of AEWV holders earning at least $25.29 an hour if they were already supporting a partner for a work visa on 26 June 2024
- all partners of Essential Skills work visa holders earning at least $25.29 an hour.Furthermore, open work rights will be available to partners of AEWV holders working in an ANZSCO Level 4-5 role:
- earning at least $47.41 an hour (150 percent of the standard median wage), or
- earning at least $31.61 an hour in a role on the Green List and meeting the Green List requirements for that role, or
- earning at least $25.29 an hour (80 percent of the standard median wage) and meeting the requirements of a role in the Transport or Care Sector Agreements (or the wage specified in the sector agreement, whichever is higher).ANZSCO grades occupations according to skill level. ANZSCO skill levels range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most skilled and 5 being less skilled.
What is ANZSCO and how to find your skill level
Current holders of partner work visas with specific employment conditions, will be able to apply to vary their visa conditions to switch to open work rights, if their partner meets any of the above situations.
If you meet the above criteria, you will be able to apply for a variation of conditions or a new work visa from 2 December 2024.
- 持有认可雇主工作签证(AEWV),在澳大利亚和新西兰标准职业分类(ANZSCO)1-3级工作,每小时收入至少25.29新西兰元(标准中位数工资的80%)。
- 持有认可雇主工作签证(AEWV),且在2024年6月26日时已经担保了配偶工签,时薪达到$25.29纽币
此外,从事ANZSCO 4-5级职位的工签持有者的配偶也将获得开放性工签
- 每小时收入至少47.41纽币(标准工资中位数的150%),
- 在绿色清单上工作的职位,时薪至少是$31.61纽币,并符合绿色清单的相关要求
- 在运输或护理行业协议下工作,时薪至少为$25.29纽币(标准中位数工资的80%),或行业协议规定的更高工资(以较高者为准)